Introduction / Lesson 1 / Lesson 2 / Lesson 3 / Lesson 4 / Lesson 5 / Lesson 6 / Lesson 7 / Lesson 8 / Lesson 9 / Lesson 10 / Lesson 11 / Lesson 12
Introduction and Method of Study
The aim of the Bible Basics Introductory Studies is to enable you to systematically study the Bible for yourself, by yourself. At the end of the Studies, you will have a clear view of the basic Gospel, which Jesus taught. He commanded His disciples to preach the Gospel to the entire world, and to baptise believers by immersion in water - into His death and resurrection. We hope that by the end of your studies you will be in a position to decide to believe the Gospel and be baptized. At this stage, of course, you are just beginning. Pray, as best you can, for God to open up His word to your understanding. Tell Him about all the issues in your life and try to see how He is guiding you, through His word, seeking to bring you closer to Him.
There are 12 Studies in this introductory course. If you would like to meet one of our members for a discussion, please tell us as it may be there will be a representative in your area.
We do truly care for you and want to help you towards a place in God's eternal Kingdom here on the earth, when Jesus returns. We therefore pray for you, and look forward to receiving your answers to the lessons or your comments on them.
How to do the Course
You will gain the maximum benefit from these Studies by going through them several times and looking up the recommended passages from the Bible.
At the end of each Study there are some multiple-choice questions. Referring again to the notes if you are uncertain of the answers. There is no point in rushing through the Studies and guessing the answers; sufficient information is given to enable you to answer all the questions correctly, which will serve as a good foundation for the more advanced Studies to follow.
When you are sure of your answers, submit them as indicated. Your answers will be forwarded to a personal tutor who will respond to you with comments on your answers.
You are welcome to add extra comments or to ask questions on any Biblical matters. We shall be pleased to correspond with you about these things.
Please click here to go to Lesson 1
The aim of the Bible Basics Introductory Studies is to enable you to systematically study the Bible for yourself, by yourself. At the end of the Studies, you will have a clear view of the basic Gospel, which Jesus taught. He commanded His disciples to preach the Gospel to the entire world, and to baptise believers by immersion in water - into His death and resurrection. We hope that by the end of your studies you will be in a position to decide to believe the Gospel and be baptized. At this stage, of course, you are just beginning. Pray, as best you can, for God to open up His word to your understanding. Tell Him about all the issues in your life and try to see how He is guiding you, through His word, seeking to bring you closer to Him.
There are 12 Studies in this introductory course. If you would like to meet one of our members for a discussion, please tell us as it may be there will be a representative in your area.
We do truly care for you and want to help you towards a place in God's eternal Kingdom here on the earth, when Jesus returns. We therefore pray for you, and look forward to receiving your answers to the lessons or your comments on them.
How to do the Course
You will gain the maximum benefit from these Studies by going through them several times and looking up the recommended passages from the Bible.
At the end of each Study there are some multiple-choice questions. Referring again to the notes if you are uncertain of the answers. There is no point in rushing through the Studies and guessing the answers; sufficient information is given to enable you to answer all the questions correctly, which will serve as a good foundation for the more advanced Studies to follow.
When you are sure of your answers, submit them as indicated. Your answers will be forwarded to a personal tutor who will respond to you with comments on your answers.
You are welcome to add extra comments or to ask questions on any Biblical matters. We shall be pleased to correspond with you about these things.
Please click here to go to Lesson 1