Blessings of Resurrection
1 Corinthians 15 Because Jesus was raised from the dead we know that all he said and did and the wonderful gospel message that has been preached, is true! Jesus’ resurrection proves that we can be forgiven for our sins. The resurrection gives us a living hope – the hope of resurrection and life for ever as Jesus received. The resurrection gives us a purpose for our life – an aim, a reason, a hope and a way of life. Our own resurrection will be the beginning of a new and wonderful life. What we are now, with our strengths, intellect, and abilities, is nothing compared to what we will be like after we have been raised. The difference between what we are like now, and what we will be like then, is as profound as the difference between a seed and the flower it grows into. Now we are perishable, dishonourable, weak and natural. After we are raised we will be imperishable, glorious, powerful and spiritual. What a change! After being raised and being given immortality we will be able to inherit the kingdom. At that time sin and death will be just bad memories. So what are we waiting for? Get living for God. A Time For Judgement Ecclesiastes 3 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven,” Solomon tells us at the beginning of this chapter. (Ecclesiastes 3 v 1)) Then follows his famous section, A time for this and a time for that. But often we stop at the end of that section and don’t consider what comes after it. The time he speaks of is the time for judgement, which will be the most important time for everyone who has ever heard the gospel message. “God will bring to judgement both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time for every deed.” (v17) In another place we read, “For God has appointed a day when He will judge the world with justice by the many He has appointed.” (Acts 17 v 31) There have been other days when God has judged the world. In the days of Noah He judged it with a flood, and only Noah and his family were saved. He judged Sodom, and only Lot and his two daughters were saved. He judged Israel and Judah in the time of Jeremiah, and again in AD 70, and both times only a remnant remained. But the biggest and most thorough judgement of all is still coming. At that time judgement will be by fire, and Jesus Christ will be the judge. Judgement is the only thing in this life we can be totally sure about. Whether we have died, or if we are still alive, we will all appear before the judgement seat of Christ. The big question is, will you be saved? The excerpts were taken from the book 'Thinky Things' written by Robert Prins Comments are closed.
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